We aim to make our support easily accessible and transparent. For the psychological assessment process we work according to the Needs Based Approach method (Handelingsgerichte Diagnostiek). The psychological assessment process generally involves the following steps:

- You can refer via this website, e-mail or phone.
- We will contact you to briefly discuss the support needs and how CalmMind can offer the appropriate support. If a psychological assessment is advised, an intake is planned with you.
- The intake usually takes 90 minutes; during the intake we get to know each other and we discuss the support needs, the support goals and the following steps in the process.
- We will write a psychological assessment plan including the goals we discussed during the intake and the amount of assessment sessions.
- If needed and with your consent, we will contact school and your general practitioner if this will benefit the psychological assessment process.
- Following the assessment sessions, a psychological assessment report will be written. This report will be discussed with you and any advices regarding further support if this deems to be necessary.
- If further support at CalmMind is desired, then a therapy plan will be written and the therapy process steps will be followed.
- If the support can be rounded off, if desired and with your consent, the school and your general practitioner will be informed and the file will be closed.
We apply the seven Needs Based Approach principles during the
psychological assessment process:
- We work goal-directed.
- We work with a transactional model, focusing on the interaction between individuals.
- The educational/support needs of the client are central.
- Teachers and parents are essential in achieving educational/support goals.
- We focus on the protective factors of the client, school and parents.
- We work in a collaborative partnership with teachers, young persons and parents.
- We follow a systematic and transparent stage-like process.